Julia Brennan
The 18 year-old Minneapolis-bred singer/songwriter self-released her first few songs this summer, including her heartfelt, piano-laced breakout track “Inner Demons”, which quickly caught the attention of Julia’s hometown pop radio station, KDWB 101.3 FM.
The reaction to the track was instantaneous throughout Minneapolis, lighting up iTunes and Shazam with each radio spin. Julia had just moved into the dorms at the University of Minnesota to begin her freshman year of college as all of this was happening, but with such incredible feedback, she pulled up stakes from her dorm room the day before her first class. A few days after that, she signed a recording contract with Columbia Records.
Sirius XM’s The Pulse began playing “Inner Demons” on their weekly new music show, Train Tracks in early November. The track has since been the show’s #1 Shazamed song for three consecutive weeks.