Derek Minor
The appeal of southern Hip Hop has long been country vernacular over crunk beats that keep heads bangin’ and bodies movin’. While the head bangers and dance anthems haven’t ceased, in recent years, authentic Hip Hop and true lyricism have taken a back seat to commercial success. While not on a mission to resurrect real southern Hip Hop–having been redeemed and commissioned to influence the culture–Derem Minot certainly brings a nostalgia for what was and a hope for what is to come, as part of a greater movement infiltrating Hip Hop with a powerful message.
A self-described blue-collar artist, Derek Minor embraces his ability to get listeners amped, but ultimately, he wants them to feel and be inspired to pursue something greater than themselves. And while his popularity grows with each release, past experiences have taught him that, “Peace is more important than anything,” so his enduring ambition and motivation to continue making quality music is simply to glorify God with his life.